Calls for Nowicki to Step Down
On April 24, 2013, Channel 11 in Pittsburgh aired this news story regarding Archabbot Douglas Nowicki from Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania (USA).
Victims want Catholic official to step down
The alleged wrongdoer is St. Vincent Archabbey Archabbot Fr. Douglas Nowicki, a member of the Benedictine religious order which runs the school. The support group is called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. For immediate release: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 Victims want Catholic official to step down Ex-Pittsburgh priest is accused of abusing […]
The Carr Letter; Investigation into Nowicki’s Misconduct
St. Vincent Archabbey’s response to an April 2, 2013 letter makes it clear that Douglas Nowicki was, in fact, under various forms of investigation concerning allegations of misconduct from some time in 2009 until July of 2012. During that time, Douglas Nowicki was reelected Archabbot, in May of 2010.
Web Site Feedback re Dziwicz’s Visit
A certain cardinal is coming to St. Vincent Archabbey. His presence is a scandal. Pope Francis may make all the signs that he wants about reforming the church but Cardinal Angelo Sodano was standing with him when he appeared on the balcony the night he was selected. And far worse than Sodano comes now to St. […]
Father Dan Ward and Saint Vincent Abbey
[Webmaster’s Note: Despite a recent report to the contrary, Archabbot Nowicki’s “go to guy”, Father Dan Ward of Saint John’s Abbey in Minnesota, has been under investigation for sexual misconduct since October of 2012.]
Letter to Dr. Sturdivant
Given that the following were recipients of the email, any attempt by those named forthwith defending their failure to act is churlish and completely unacceptable. Four Local Roman Catholic Bishops: Brandt, Zubik, Waltershield, and Persico, now the Bishop of Erie; the Catholic Bishop of Richmond, Virgina, was also was a recipient, along with those specifically […]
Letter to Bishop Brandt
In undertaking these steps, you will finally comply with the dictates of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Thereby, you can make some atonement for your lamentable, and inexplicable failure to act in the past; thereby putting vulnerable persons in the gravest of potential harm. To bring matters into perspective, in light of the scandal […]
Cardinal Arinze & Archbishop Chaput to Visit
According to the 2012 edition of the Annuario Pontificio (Italian for Pontifical Yearbook), H.E. Francis Cardinal Arinze is scheduled to visit the St. Vincent’s Archabbey in April of 2013 as part of the “Year of Faith”. Cardinal Arinze will be encouraged to cancel his proposed visit until Archabbot Douglas Nowicki is held accountable for his misconduct. Archbishop Chaput, […]
Open Letter to Archbishop Gregory
Archbishop Gregory, Grace and Peace to you. I respectfully direct your attention to my previous correspondence addressed to you with respect to Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, and the lecture, which you gave at St. Vincent seminary on November 27, 2012. The significant readership of the Misconduct in Latrobe website will no doubt view said lecture with […]
Identifying Becket Senchur
It is often very tiresome and tedious when Nowicki loyalists, if we are being kind, or sycophants, if we are being unkind, attempt to discredit this photograph of Rev. Becket G. Senchur, who previously was a monk and priest of the Archabbey of St Vincent, by suggesting it was photoshopped. Very silly to be spreading […]
Getty Email to Recipients
With respect to the email below from James Carr, who I do not know, I received a phone call this morning from Archabbot Nowicki, explaining that this is not the first widely-broadcast criticism by Mr. Carr.
Carr Email to Archabbot Nowicki
Archabbot Nowicki, I refer to your telephone conversation with Mr. Getty this morning, which resulted in the gentleman circulating an email to all the recipients of my previous correspondence. A copy has been forwarded to me. One can only speculate that you strenuously denied the allegations of misconduct that have been made against you.
Letter Regarding Power of 32 Steering Committee Member Douglas Nowicki
I trust result in Archabbot Nowicki being invited to step down as a member of the Steering Committee of this noble organisation until a public exoneration made by the appropriate authority, which in this case is the Congregation for Religious in Rome is publicly disseminated. H.E Archbishop Viganò, as the interlocutor of the Holy See […]